Inside The Author’s Head: Zoe Markham

July 17, 2013

Q1. What is your favorite word?


Q2. What is your least favorite word?


Q3. How has social media helped your career?

It’s put me in touch with publishers and opened doors for reviews, which has in turn led to a  publisher (small press) contacting me regarding my work-in-progress novel before I’ve even consider querying anyone. It’s also put me in touch with other book bloggers from whom I’ve learnt an awful lot. 

It got me close to 3,000 readers for the first draft of my novel, and gave me a reason to carry on writing when I wasn’t sure if there was any point anymore. 

I hate to say it but if it wasn’t for Twitter, I’d have given up the dream a year ago.

Q4. What would you say are the downsides to social media in your career? 
Time! It sucks up soooooo much time. I’d say half my free time is spent writing, the other half trying to keep up with Twitter/FB etc.
Q5. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

Web Design

Q6. What profession would you not like to do?

Code Monkey. It’s my current profession and the last thing I ever want to be doing. 

Q7. What is your favorite curse word? 

FuckBiscuits. No idea why…it’s habitual. 

Q8. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

“I loved your book!” 

Ooh an exciting new swear to add to my ever growing collection. Learn more about Zoe over on her website.

Next time: Geraldine Clark Hellery

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