The Infernal Game: Cold Warriors by Rebecca Levene
Abaddon Books , Horror , Rebecca Levene , Thriller / December 2, 2010

“You died twenty years ago. Welcome back…“ Over the last couple of years, I have become a fan of the publisher Abaddon Books and have taken the opportunity to read as many of their ongoing series as I can get my hands on. I enjoy The Afterblight Chronicles, and Pax Britannia has become a personal favourite (more on that in the next review).  I recently picked up the first book in another series called The Infernal Gam...

Genre Fiction goes Un:Bound
General / November 26, 2010

I don’t often post anything other than reviews but occasionally I make an exception to that rule. There are a plethora of fantastic genre fiction review blogs and websites out there and one of my personal favourites is Un:Bound. On the 6th December the plucky bunch that run the site, the theme to The A-Team is playing in my head now, are branching out into the realm of online video. Check out the official press release below. Th...

Elves I: Once Walked With Gods by James Barclay
Fantasy , Gollancz , James Barclay / November 26, 2010

Today’s review comes from guest reviewer MadNad, my better half. Thanks for your sterling work dearest. Being a big fan of the Raven series , I was very keen to read this. I find that there is nothing better to help me unwind from the stresses of modern life than a bit of high fantasy. Set in the same world as the Raven books, but at a point 3000 years earlier, the long-lived elves are on the brink of an all-out civil war. After a...

Wild Cards 1 edited by George R.R. Martin
Fantasy , George R.R. Martin , Sci-Fi , Tor Books / November 23, 2010

I have explained in the past that I am not a massive fan of short story collections but there is an exception to every rule. In my opinion, The Wild Cards novels are the best ongoing series of short stories available today. When I heard that Tor Books was re-releasing the first novel I felt compelled to immediately start re-reading my old copy. How best to describe the concept of Wild Cards? The quick answer would be – imagine an ...

Sandman Slim by Richard Kadrey
Eos , Fantasy , Horror , Richard Kadrey / November 19, 2010

“Life sucks, then you die. Period. Unless you’re James Stark, a hitman in Hell for eleven years before escaping back up to Hell-on-earth L.A. – looking for revenge, absolution….love, maybe. But Hell’s not through with Stark. Heaven’s not either.” Sandman Slim by Richard Kadrey is an urban fantasy featuring an unstoppable anti-hero wreaking his vengeance on the people who wronged him. Condemned t...

Space Captain Smith by Toby Frost
Myrmidon Books , Sci-Fi , Toby Frost / November 12, 2010

In the 25th Century the British Space Empire faces the gathering menace of the evil ant-soldiers of the Ghast hive, hell-bent of galactic domination and the extermination of all humanoid life. Back in the dim and distant past when I was at university, I was introduced to the scoundrel that is Harry Flashman. Created by George McDonald Fraser, in a series of books collectively known as The Flashman Papers, dear old Flashy rode rough shod...

All You Need is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurakzaka
Hiroshi Sakurakzaka , Sci-Fi , Viz Media / November 9, 2010

“He died in battle . He was reborn in victory“. In the film Groundhog Day, Bill Murray repeatedly wakes up and re-lives the same 24hrs over and over again. Each time the cycle repeats, he learns another valuable lesson about his life. All You Need is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurakzaka has a similar premise but instead of being set in Punxsutawney it is set on the muddy battlefields of Japan in the midst of a future war. Alien cre...

Myth Understandings edited by Ian Whates
Fantasy , Ian Whates , NewCon Press / November 5, 2010

This weeks post is written by Sam (@SamaelTB). He has kindly provided his thoughts on Myth Understandings. I just want to take an opportunity to thank him. For me the measure of a short story is really whether it’s a story at all. So many feel like prologues to novels or just don’t make sense in isolation. Others seem to feel it’s okay for to skip out on character development or feel the need to hint at a massively com...

Zombie Appreciation Month – In Conclusion
General / October 29, 2010

Zombie Appreciation Month has been my first attempt to focus on a particular theme. I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy the experience or not. I have to admit, I was concerned about spending an entire month reading about only one subject. It turns out my fears were groundless The novels that I have read this month have covered the full gamut of emotions. From the upbeat detective fun of Nekropolis to the gut wrenching fear of Zombie Ap...

Handling the Undead by John Ajvide Lindqvist

To round off Zombie Appreciation Month I’ve decided to read Handling The Undead by John Ajvide Lindqvist. Set in Stockholm, during the midst of a heatwave, strange things are starting to occur. Electrical appliances won’t switch off and everyone is suffering from unexplained headaches. Over the course of a single night, every person that has died in the previous two months is reanimated, including those that have been buri...

Feed by Mira Grant
Horror , Mira Grant , Orbit / October 22, 2010

“The Good News: We Survived. The Bad News: So Did They“. Imagine a world where scientists have cured cancer and defeated the common cold. Sounds idyllic, but what if this medical breakthrough leads to the creation and distribution of a virus that reanimates the dead. In Feed by Mira Grant we find an Earth where humanity has done just that.  The infected are a fact of life and everyone has been forced to live with the const...

The Enemy by Charlie Higson
Charlie Higson , Horror , Puffin / October 15, 2010

“They’ll chase you, they’ll rip you open, they’ll feed on you…” I have a confession to make. I’m thirty six years old and when I first decided to do a zombie themed month on The Eloquent Page I didn’t even consider including any young adult fiction. In the last couple of years I have read exactly two books that could be described as YA fiction. Both were pretty good, and I’ll be revi...

Nekropolis by Tim Waggoner
Angry Robot , Horror , Tim Waggoner / October 8, 2010

“This place has always been ruled by the vampire lords. Now they are plotting to destroy the city. Over my dead body”. For the second entry in Zombie Appreciation Month we move away from the end of the world toward a detective novel with a twist. I’m sure you can guess the nature of the twist? Nekropolis by Tim Waggoner is the first outing for the zombie detective. Hundreds of years ago, Father Dis and the five lesser ...