A Decade of Book Waffling – The Eloquent Page is 10!
News , The Eloquent Page / July 15, 2020

The Eloquent Page sprung into life way back in 2010. I had posted a couple of reviews on my personal blog and my other half suggested I should have a bash at doing something a bit more structured. I was forever bemoaning the fact that I had nothing to occupy my spare time. Since then, I’ve spent the last decade sitting about engrossed in one book or another. Time well spent, I’m sure you’ll agree. So here we are, 772 posts later (I know I can’t believe it either), and I am still waffling about books on a regular basis. The last ten years has seen some flattering comments and the occasional weird moment. Here are just a few, in no particular order – I was described as ‘a genre authority’ at one point. I pondered it for a while, and think that just means I’m old and have been around long enough that people consider me part of the furniture. That’s ok. I’ll happily be that shabby looking credenza in the corner of the room. One weird incident was when an author accused me of encroaching on their social media presence because I linked to and shared one of…

Meme With Relish
General / July 15, 2010

I learned about this meme via Floor to Ceiling Books and the idea originally came from Un:Bound. These are two great sites and I recommend you check them out. I also thought this would be a good way to provide insight into what I like to read so here goes. One Book That Changed Your Life: The Descent by Jeff Long.I only discovered this book a couple of years ago though it has been around for a while. I love the premise. What if Hell was a literal place and actually existed in the ground beneath our feet. The sequel, Deeper, continues to dissect religion and attitudes toward it. I’m not religious I guess that’s what makes it all the more fascinating for me. One Book You Have To Read More Than Once: The Belgariad by David Eddings.I re-read The Belgariad regularly, normally about once a year. I love it. It’s like a pair of comfortable socks that are always a pleasure to rediscover and slip on. If I have to pick one book from the series then Pawn of Prophecy would a good place to start. One Book You’d Want On A Desert Island: The Reality Dysfunction by Peter…