Dyson’s Fear by Chris Farnell
Chris Farnell , Sci-Fi / January 8, 2021

The Fermi is Earth’s first faster-than-light capable spaceship. It’s also its last. The moment its engines engage, it unleashes a shockwave that vaporises entire planets, entire solar systems. Fermi’s crew, the last surviving members of the human race, now find themselves circling an ancient Dyson sphere in a distant corner of the galaxy, where they must explore a city of ships and negotiate with a vast, lonely AI for their survival. But that isn’t their only problem. Because the Fermi’s engines are powering up again… What with all manner of real life events engulfing last year*, I made a conscious decision to reduce my reviewing output for a while. I took almost the entirety of December off to recharge my mental batteries, and now I’m back to the point where I am dipping my toe tentatively back into book reviewing waters. This week’s review is Dyson’s Fear, a new novella from Chris Farnell. I read Chris’ short story anthology, Dirty Work, way back in 2014 and thoroughly enjoyed it. His latest is a homage to classic science fiction with a quirky, modern twist. The crew of the Fermi are a rag-tag bunch of mildly odd souls. Samson is your typical…