Kamil, a thirty-something medieval weapons trader resides in the notorious Red Light District in Prague. Despite his hatred for prostitutes, he accepts an offer from Ginny – a local sex worker. As their unusual friendship unfolds and Kamil witnesses several bizarre scenarios, he begins to suspect that Ginny might not be an ordinary prostitute… Having read Moribund Tales and The Pariahs, I jumped at the opportunity to take a look at Erik Hofstatter’s latest, Katerina. What begins as a relatively straightforward transaction, quickly evolves into something completely different and unexpected. Kamil comes across, as least initially, as cocky and self-assured while Ginny is far more cautious. As their relationship develops, it feels like there is a complete one eighty in this dynamic. Ginny grows in confidence while Kamil feels less and less certain of exactly what is going on. I’d like to tell you the reasons why these changes occur, but I fear this would be rather spoilery. Suffice to say, if you decide to read the novelette, more detail will be revealed. For me, it’s the interactions between both characters that are the highlight of the piece. There is an air of hesitation and distrust as Kamil and Ginny…