Thomas is thirty-two. He comes from the small town of Barkley. He has a wife there, Sarah, and a child, Mary; good solid names from the Good Book. And he is on his way home from the war, where he has been serving as a conscripted soldier. Thomas is also dead – he is one of the Walkin’. And Barkley does not suffer the wicked to live. I often hear the cry “Oh no, not another zombie novel”. Now I’ll be the first to admit that there has been a glut of books over the last couple of years featuring everyone’s favourite un-dead shufflers, but if you take a look around The Eloquent Page you’ll notice a lot of them are actually pretty damn good. I’ve read everything from historical zombie fiction (The Viking Dead), to novels that are something more akin to a ghost story (Handling The Undead). All the zombie fiction that I’ve read has one thing in common, each new story attempts to add its own fresh perspective. Your Brother’s Blood, the debut novel from David Towsey, attempts to do exactly that and manages to pull it off with aplomb. Turning the zombie mythology we’re all familiar…