Zombie Appreciation Month – In Conclusion

October 29, 2010

Zombie Appreciation Month has been my first attempt to focus on a particular theme. I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy the experience or not. I have to admit, I was concerned about spending an entire month reading about only one subject. It turns out my fears were groundless

The novels that I have read this month have covered the full gamut of emotions. From the upbeat detective fun of Nekropolis to the gut wrenching fear of Zombie Apocalypse!

Everything I’ve read has brought something new to the zombie mythos. I was impressed by different authors’ views and how their ideas were so elegantly expressed. There are quite a number of zombie novels out there and the good news is that they all strive to be unique.

I’ve learned a couple of valuable lessons during this month. Firstly, always have a couple of back up book options just in case. I very nearly didn’t manage to get a copy of Handling the Undead and that would have left my carefully planned reading order in tatters. Secondly, pace yourself. When reading for pleasure I can quite happily manage two or three books in a week. If I want to then write about the experience, I now know I can only realistically manage one. Each book deserves my full attention if I am going to post my thoughts about it on the internet. Ideally, I want to maintain a ‘post-a-week’ schedule. Real life commitments permitting I am aiming for Fridays to be new post day.

If you have enjoyed Zombie Appreciation Month, and I hope you did, then check out the list below for additional reading. I have heard good things about all of the following novels but haven’t managed to read yet.

The Reapers are The Angels by Alden Bell

Hater by David Moody

Rot and Ruin by Jonathan Maberry

The Dead by Charlie Higson – sequel to The Enemy

I, Zombie by Al Ewing

The Rising by Brian Keene

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth  Graheme-Smith

Plague of the Dead by Z.A. Recht

Monster Island by David Wellington

It seems that this year zombies are indeed the new black. Not just in novels, but also on TV. I am really looking forward to the television adaptation of Robert Kirkman’s The Walking Dead.  From the trailer, this looks like it is going to be epic television.

This fan made intro also whetted my appetite.

The show begins on FX in the UK on the 5th November. I’ll be watching in glorious, gory high definition.

I guess the big question is will I do a themed month again? My answer – probably, but not until middle of next year. I’m pleased with the responses I have received. Everyone has been very positive about my efforts. It was nice to have the confines of a theme for a change, as it has forced me to entertain books and genres that I normally would not have, such as the Young Adult book, The Enemy.  As to what the next theme will be – Werewolves perhaps?

One Comment

  • Dawnkey November 7, 2010 at 7:35 pm

    for sure werewolves 🙂

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