This is you. This is now. And your number is up. For reasons that are too complicated to touch upon here I have long been a fan of apocalyptic and post apocalyptic fiction. Novels about the end of the world have always sparked my imagination and over the years I have read a fair number. Some, like Swan Song by Robert McCammon, and Blood Crazy Simon Clark, I keep going back to again and again. I always look forward to reading a new examp...
Thanks to @Madnad, my better half, for taking some time out of her busy schedule to provide another review. Subterranean Press recently released a limited reprint of this book, which was originally published in 1989 by Grafton (Harper Collins). In honour of this, it deserves a re-read and a review as I am sure that there are a few people out there completely unaware of this gem. It is a werewolf story completely unlike any other I have ...
Happy New Year! I hope 2011 finds you and yours well. A new year can only mean one thing – more books. In an effort to whet your appetite for some of the reviews you can expect to see on the site in the coming months, below are some of the novels I am looking forward to. The Heroes by Joe Abercrombie– Thee Men, One Battle, No Heroes. I’m a huge fan of Abercrombie’s previous novels. I like his down and dirty take...
Gideon Coxall was a good solder but bad at everything else, until a roadside explosive device leaves him with one deaf ear and a British Army half-pension. So when he hears about the Valhalla Project , it’s like a dream come true. They are recruiting former service personnel for excellent pay, no questions asked, to take part in unspecified combat missions. The last thing Gid expects is to find himself fighting alongside ancient Vikin...
I’m very lucky in that I have had the chance to read some excellent novels in the past twelve months. I also took the plunge and launched The Eloquent Page back in July so I thought that now we are creeping towards the end of 2010 I would take the opportunity to reveal my literary highlights of the year. Not all of the books listed below were published in 2010 but I read them this year so as far as I’m concerned that meets m...
As a festive treat Dark Fiction magazine has produced an audio anthology based on the twelve days of Christmas. In a moment of madness I offered to help out, little realising my offer would be accepted, and recorded the marvelous story Five Gold Rings by Peter Morrison. The entire anthology can be found here for free....
Ezekiel Blue’s father committed a crime, unleashing a deadly menace into steampowered Seattle. And his bereaved family has paid the price. Now, Ezekiel is determined to clear his father’s name, risking death and the undead in the attempt. Sixteen years ago, as the American Civil War dawned, gold brought hordes to the frozen Klondike. Fanatical in their greed, Russian prospectors commissioned Dr Leviticus Blue to create a great machi...
This week’s book review has been delayed due to circumstances outwith my control, lets gloss over the fact that the latest upgrade of my favourite online game was released on Tuesday shall we. While waiting for the review to arrive may I suggest you consider exploring the world of RSS, Really Simple Syndication, feeds. There are so many fantastic websites and blogs out there for the book lover it can be quite a chore to keep track...
“Start a new life on the Moon!” I have been a huge fan of the Pax Britannia novels since I discovered the first novel Unnatural History back in 2007. I was quickly in thrall to the universe of gentleman adventurer and dandy, Ulysees Quicksilver and his ever loyal man servant, Nimrod. Set in an alternate Britain where the Victorian era never ended, the British Empire, now known as Magna Britannia, is still going strong. The ...
“You died twenty years ago. Welcome back…“ Over the last couple of years, I have become a fan of the publisher Abaddon Books and have taken the opportunity to read as many of their ongoing series as I can get my hands on. I enjoy The Afterblight Chronicles, and Pax Britannia has become a personal favourite (more on that in the next review). I recently picked up the first book in another series called The Infernal Gam...
I don’t often post anything other than reviews but occasionally I make an exception to that rule. There are a plethora of fantastic genre fiction review blogs and websites out there and one of my personal favourites is Un:Bound. On the 6th December the plucky bunch that run the site, the theme to The A-Team is playing in my head now, are branching out into the realm of online video. Check out the official press release below. Th...
Today’s review comes from guest reviewer MadNad, my better half. Thanks for your sterling work dearest. Being a big fan of the Raven series , I was very keen to read this. I find that there is nothing better to help me unwind from the stresses of modern life than a bit of high fantasy. Set in the same world as the Raven books, but at a point 3000 years earlier, the long-lived elves are on the brink of an all-out civil war. After a...
I have explained in the past that I am not a massive fan of short story collections but there is an exception to every rule. In my opinion, The Wild Cards novels are the best ongoing series of short stories available today. When I heard that Tor Books was re-releasing the first novel I felt compelled to immediately start re-reading my old copy. How best to describe the concept of Wild Cards? The quick answer would be – imagine an ...